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Letter to the Canadian brothers of the Freedom Convoy

Freedom Convoy, Canada, Ottawa, 2022

You are not alone.
I feel your pain.
You have made a right and courageous choice.

The horses that run you over are the symbol of a global dictatorship.
Mandatory vaccination is the mark of the beast.
Your heroic struggle calls the whole world to never cooperate with violent governments.

You may seem to have lost everything, but you have not.
You have given total value to your existence, which is very rare.
Above all, you have not succumbed to the lure of evil.

You may wonder why the world is so unfair.
My answer is that we are in a terminal and apocalyptic period.
But although the beast has very aggressive power, it is weak.

Who wields his demonic power over people wants you to be as weak as he is.
He wants you full of pride, greed, lust, envy, gluttony, wrath, sloth.
That's why the evil power inflicts physical violence and takes away your livelihood.

But you are better than all this.
Souls worldwide are watching you with admiration, and the struggle does not end here.
Let us never stoop to doing evil, even when we suffer it.

Only then will we be victorious.

(February 22, 2022)

Pentagon: the disastrous effects of covid-19 vaccination

On the same topic, see also:

In short, the dramatic increases in medical diagnoses among military personnel after vaccination (source), compared to the last five years, is:

  • Hypertension –  2181% increase
  • Diseases of the nervous system – 1048% increase
  • Malignant neoplasms of esophagus – 894% increase
  • Multiple sclerosis – 680% increase
  • Malignant neoplasms of digestive organs – 624% increase
  • Guillain-Barre syndrome – 551% increase
  • Breast cancer – 487% increase
  • Demyelinating – 487% increase
  • Malignant neoplasms of thyroid and other endocrine glands – 474% increase
  • Female infertility – 472% increase
  • Pulmonary embolism – 468% increase
  • Migraines – 452% increase
  • Ovarian dysfunction – 437% increase
  • Testicular cancer – 369% increase
  • Tachycardia – 302% increase

The following video clip of Senator Ron Johnson is from "ControTV weekly news, February 18, 2022"
(with Italian subtitles)


La peur de la mort n'empêche pas de mourir mais empêche de vivre (Paris, Flashmob, 8 avril 2021)

source: Dancer encore - Flashmob, Paris, April 2021

French and Italian subtitles


Vaccine Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (VAIDS)


Vaccine Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (VAIDS): 'We should anticipate seeing this immune erosion more widely'

Dec 06, 2021

'If immune erosion occurs after two doses and just a few months, how can we exclude the possibility that effects of an untested "booster" will not erode more rapidly and to a greater extent?'

Vaccine Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (VAIDS)

A Lancet study comparing vaccinated and unvaccinated people in Sweden was conducted among 1.6 million individuals over nine months. It showed that protection against symptomatic COVID-19 declined with time, such that by six months, some of the more vulnerable vaccinated groups were at greater risk than their unvaccinated peers.

Doctors are calling this phenomena in the repeatedly vaccinated “immune erosion” or “acquired immune deficiency”, accounting for elevated incidence of myocarditis and other post-vaccine illnesses that either affect them more rapidly, resulting in death, or more slowly, resulting in chronic illness.

COVID vaccines are not traditional vaccines. Rather, they cause cells to reproduce one portion of the SARS-CoV-2 virus, the spike protein. The vaccines thus induce the body to create spike proteins. A person only creates antibodies against this one limited portion (the spike protein) of the virus. This has several downstream deleterious effects.

First, these vaccines “mis-train” the immune system to recognize only a small part of the virus (the spike protein). Variants that differ, even slightly, in this protein are able to escape the narrow spectrum of antibodies created by the vaccines.

Second, the vaccines create “vaccine addicts,” meaning persons become dependent upon regular booster shots, because they have been “vaccinated” only against a tiny portion of a mutating virus. Australian Health Minister Dr. Kerry Chant has stated that COVID will be with us forever and people will “have to get used to” taking endless vaccines. “This will be a regular cycle of vaccination and revaccination.”

Third, the vaccines do not prevent infection in the nose and upper airways, and vaccinated individuals have been shown to have much higher viral loads in these regions. This leads to the vaccinated becoming “super-spreaders” as they carry extremely high viral loads.

In addition, the vaccinated become more clinically ill than the unvaccinated. Scotland reported that the infection fatality rate in the vaccinated is 3.3 times the unvaccinated, and the risk of death if hospitalized is 2.15 times the unvaccinated.

A June report on Israel's Channel 12 News revealed that in the months since the vaccines were rolled out, 6,765 people who received both shots had contracted coronavirus, while epidemiological tracing revealed an additional 3,133 people contracted COVID-19 from those vaccinated individuals.

Meanwhile, New England Journal of Medicine researchers have found that autoimmune response to the coronavirus spike protein may last indefinitely: “Ab2 antibodies binding to the original receptor on normal cells therefore have the potential to mediate profound effects on the cell that could result in pathologic changes, particularly in the long term — long after the original antigen itself has disappeared.” These antibodies produced against the coronavirus spike protein could be responsible for the current unprecedented wave of myocarditis and neurological illnesses, and even more problems in the future.

Indefinite uncontrolled autoimmune response to the coronavirus spike protein may produce a wave of antibodies called anti-idiotype antibodies or Ab2s that continue to damage human bodies long after clearing either Sars-Cov-2 itself or those spike proteins that the shots cause the body's cells to produce, explained former New York Times reporter Alex Berenson.

Spike protein antibodies may themselves produce a second wave of antibodies, called anti-idiotype antibodies or Ab2s. Those Ab2s may modulate the immune system’s initial response by binding with and destroying the first wave of antibodies.

“Our immune systems produce these antibodies in response to both vaccination and natural infection with COVID,” wrote Berenson. “However - though the researchers do not say so explicitly, possibly because doing so would be politically untenable - spike protein antibody levels are MUCH higher following vaccination than infection. Thus the downstream response to vaccination may be more severe.”

America's Frontline Doctors (AFLDS) Chief Science Officer former Pfizer Vice President Michael Yeadon responded to the research: "This is unprecedented. What is happening is not understood.

"Commentators on Israeli TV have reported that contacts in the Health Ministry have termed this ‘immune erosion’:

“While some are concerned that blood IgG antibodies fall with time, I am not convinced that this is a relevant measure,” Yeadon continued. "Respiratory virus infection begins in the lungs and nasopharynx. Neither are protected by blood antibodies, which are molecules too large to diffuse into airways tissue. What protects against infection and initial viral replication is secretory IgA antibodies and T-cells in airways, neither of which have been studied in any efficacy trial.

"The empirical data are very worrying. In most countries now, high fractions of the population have been vaccinated. If the Swedish study is a guide, we should anticipate seeing this immune erosion more widely. The most concerning aspect of that study is that those most in need of protection are those in whom immune erosion is most marked: the elderly, males, and those with comorbidities.

"Some have used the results of this study to support the widespread use of so-called ‘booster’ shots. It has to be said: No one has any safety data about such a plan. If immune erosion occurs after two doses and just a few months, how can we exclude the possibility that effects of an untested ‘booster’ will not erode more rapidly and to a greater extent? And what then would be the response? A fourth injection. Madness.

"It’s long past time when known safe and effective drug treatments be used as the leading response to symptomatic infection (antivirals, corticosteroids, anti-inflammatories).

“In this way, we don’t expose entire populations to experimental medical interventions when only a very small fraction of the population are at notable risk from this virus, which, all hype aside, is by no means exceptional in its lethality compared with numerous others such as seasonal influenza.”

Yeadon concluded: "Europe is all but gone. The lights are going out. Austria and Germany now subject their unvaccinated to house arrest. In Greece, the unvaccinated are subject to escalating fines, non-payment of which is converted into prison time. In Lithuania, the unvaccinated are excluded from society. The booster campaigns are running full-pelt everywhere.

“Someone, somewhere knows what’s going to happen. Will immunity-erosion worsen more speedily and to a greater extent after this untested ‘booster’? The U.K. government has already said that the fourth injection is to take place a mere three months after the third. It’s utter madness. Yet such is the hermetic control of media that nothing much emerges into the public consciousness.”

An ignorant (and therefore 90% vaccinated) populace is a brutal wind that incinerates everything

Disobedience (Francesco Galgani's art, January 30, 2022)
(Disobedience, January 30, 2022, go to my art gallery)

The result of "obedience" is summarized as follows: friends who no longer speak to each other, broken families, servants of the State (doctors, nurses, teachers, and police) with children to feed but no salary since they are forced not to work, people who are forbidden to travel, politicians banned from voting, etc.

The last two years of obedience to Big Pharma have left a country deeply divided and psychiatrically ill, with young and very young people ruined by criminal pandemic management.

The rules of the Religion of the Vaccine have been:

  • fear of others
  • pathologization of dissent
  • hatred of critical thinking
  • violence against those who disobey
  • mass filing
  • stigmatization of a minority accused of every evil
  • prohibition of effective treatment (i.e., malicious killing)
  • intentional use of wrong therapies (paracetamol, tracheal intubation, mechanical ventilation, etc.)
  • legitimate and genuine pain transformed into a television show with political intentions
  • disbarment of doctors who have saved many lives
  • awarding of  doctors who offend the code of ethics every day
  • no information and prevention campaign (lifestyle, nutrition, sports, vitamin C, etc.)
  • obligation to use fetishes (masks) and to believe in their magical and protective value (ignoring the severe damage they cause, especially to the very young)
  • economic blackmail and extortion of consent
  • prohibition of sports and healthy social activities
  • inoculation of a poison that has allegedly increased by 40% the deaths of young people

An ignorant (and therefore 90% vaccinated) populace is a brutal wind that incinerates everything.

See also: "The Italian State's Deep and Perverse Hatred of Italian Citizens (and a Prediction)."

(January 30, 2022)

COVID-19 vaccine + 40% more young people dead + Occam's Razor = ?

Source: Indiana life insurance CEO says deaths are up 40% among people ages 18-64

«(The Center Square) – The head of Indianapolis-based insurance company OneAmerica said the death rate is up a stunning 40% from pre-pandemic levels among working-age people.»

«The number of hospitalizations in the state is now higher than before the COVID-19 vaccine was introduced a year ago, and in fact is higher than it’s been in the past five years, Dr. Lindsay Weaver, Indiana’s chief medical officer, said at a news conference with Gov. Eric Holcomb on Wednesday.»

Applying Occam's Razor, what can we deduce?

(January 8, 2022)

Occam's Razor

Happy 2022 and happy European health dictatorship... or have a nice flight from it

Freedom of Conscience

Freedom of Conscience (Francesco Galgani's art, December 15, 2021)
(December 15, 2021, go to the art gallery)

Should the freedom to choose how to take care of one's health be limited by the collective good?

A severe threat to the fundamental principle of diversity comes through uniform and mandatory adherence by all to the same way of preventing disease and treating it. Diversity is an essential richness for life; diversity is the foundation of the ecosystem, so to impose equal decisions for all is a threat to life and the dignity of life.

The inherent diversity expresses itself through personal choices, such as those concerning the care of one's body, soul, spirit, and mind. How to spend one's time and life is first and foremost a personal choice. A society thrives when people are in harmony and mutual empathy: with mutual respect, everyone can become aware of themselves through their actions and mistakes. In contrast, a community is dying when everyone is at war to impose their point of view.

In every area of social organization, coercive power must be exercised with extreme caution so as not to fall into the presumption of totalitarianism. Dictatorships claim to replace individual conscience to simplify complexity by force. The imposition of equal choices for all eliminates the fertility of doubt, which implies the acceptance of errors and opens up infinite possibilities. Individual and collective progress proceeds through encountering the other "different from oneself."

The path to awareness is personal and cannot bend to governments, who often have far less understanding than those they purport to lead. Governments are faithful slaves of finance, and finance follows the interest of a few to the detriment of the community.

The European vaccine agenda, social distancing, masks, and other similar nonsense are not only a complete failure from a scientific and existential point of view. They highlight the arrogance of those who claim to universalize their beliefs, using: blackmail, coercion, continuous criminal lies, violence, apartheid (segregation of the unvaccinated), prohibition of multiple existing treatments as early as spring 2020, disbarment of doctors who have been able to help sick people recover without vaccines, and incitement to hatred. The European vaccination agenda generally highlights a very negative view of the human being, reduced to a laboratory guinea pig, and of science, reduced to a doormat of a few multinational pharmaceutical companies.

On the other hand, replacing one's conscience with a group one is very convenient because it removes responsibility. We have historical examples: Nazis and Fascists, a century ago, replaced their conscience with a group one and the result was a genocide, in the name of the collective good.

Happy 2022 and happy health dictatorship,
or have a nice flight from it,
December 15, 2021

Il linguaggio della scienza e la barbarie delle verità scientifiche

«Di fronte a un’ipotesi scientifica sperimentata, approvata, e infine spacciata dalla maggior parte degli scienziati come verità incontrovertibile, ci sono due sane reazioni che si devono avere: ridere a crepapelle dell’imbecillità di tali scienziati e inorridirsi per la loro arroganza»
Richard Feynman, Premio Nobel per la Fisica (1965),
fonte: ”The Feynman Lectures on Physics”, vol. 6, “Electrical and Magnetic Behavior”, Los Angeles, California Institute of Technology, 2006 (audiobook, minuto 55)

In passato mi sono già ampiamente espresso sui possibili limiti della cosiddetta "scienza", e sui drammi che qualsiasi potere dispotico e oppressivo legittima con parole del tipo «Ce lo dice la scienza...». La propria visione delle cose è la propria realtà (nel senso di costruita da noi stessi), la propria verità, il proprio punto di riferimento, che entra necessariamente in conflitto con ciò che è opposto a sé, e quindi con le altre persone, se ritenessimo assoluta la nostra creazione (nel senso di unica verità ammissibile). La soluzione per progredire in un’esistenza non-violenta e armoniosa, ovvero bella da vivere, inizia con il rinunciare all’amore, o attaccamento, alla propria visione delle cose, alla propria realtà, giacché attaccarsi con le unghie e con i denti ad essa è come aggrapparsi ad un sogno dentro a un sogno.

Come disse Pasolini (fonte), «L’amore per la verità finisce col distruggere tutto, perché non c’è niente di vero». A ciò mi par sensato accostare la contrapposizione tra Socrate, che è passato alla storia perché sapeva di non sapere, e una parte della scienza attuale, che sta dimostrando di sapere di mentire, soprattutto quando va a braccetto con il "Potere". Del resto, basta notare che circa il 70% delle ricerche scientifiche sono presumibilmente false perché non riproducibili, cioè sono costruite sul nulla (fonte).

Circa tre anni fa scrissi che: «Secondo la mia opinione, qualsiasi verità è autoreferenziale (o riconducibile ad altre verità autoreferenziali), nel senso che, in ultima analisi, è vero ciò che riteniamo tale... né più, né meno. La verità non è una proprietà intrinseca di un pensiero, di un fatto o di una serie di eventi, è piuttosto un’attribuzione “esterna” operata dalla mente umana su ciò che essa è in grado di concepire, allo scopo di agevolare se stessa. La mente umana, infatti, “ha bisogno” di “possedere” alcune verità per il proprio funzionamento, ma tale attribuzione di verità è e rimane arbitraria». Oggi posso dire che tale visione, per quanto contraria al senso comune, trova piena corrispondenza nella fisica di Bohm, il quale ha spiegato che l’universo è non-locale, ovvero tempo e spazio, così come li percepiamo, non esistono (fonte), quindi tutto è diverso da come sembra.

Contrapporre il "vero" al "falso" può condurci sugli oscuri sentieri del dogmatismo e della violenza istituzionale. Come scrisse Giulio Ripa (fonte):

[...] Pensiamo che tutto dipende da cosa sentiamo dentro di noi. Questa è la verità? Ma nel momento in cui noi crediamo di dire la verità, appena la nominiamo non c'è più. La verità è inafferrabile.
La realtà può essere descritta interamente solo come compresenza di enti contrapposti, complementari e correlati tra loro; una descrizione in cui si manifesta la realtà intera non semplificata da schemi, ma colta nel suo contatto con il tutto, dalla vivente relazione di elementi contrastanti, senza un tempo univoco, in un gioco di probabilità di eventi che possono accadere nello stesso momento. Nel non-dualismo non esiste la verità o la falsità assoluta ed univoca. E non può essere altrimenti, perché la realtà stessa è contraddittoria, ambivalente ed incerta, dotata di una complessità ed interdipendenza difficile da analizzare nella sua totalità che resta un mistero.

La ricerca in questo contesto filosofico si muove lungo una polarità dove il ricercatore deve essere consapevole che nel momento in cui studia con la sua teoria e strumenti un fenomeno, ha già condizionato il risultato finale della ricerca. Allora lo stesso ricercatore non si deve identificare con i risultati della ricerca fatta.
Meglio osservare da più punti di vista un fenomeno da studiare, con i pro e i contro e con diversi quadri di riferimento che si presentano ogni volta, dove il risultato finale non è una verità accertata ma possibile. Non c'è determinismo ma un processo probabilistico dove le cose accadono in una miriade di possibilità.
Nel mistero dell’esistenza le cose sono incerte.

Un'altra interessante riflessione è stata proposta da Marcello Pamio (fonte):

[...] La cecità dell’essere umano e l’incapacità della “scienza” da lui stesso creata ci hanno impedito di osservare la Natura e la sua perfezione. Ed oggi rimaniamo ciechi di fronte ad evidenze impossibili da non vedere. Interveniamo, senza alcun rispetto, attraverso la chimica in un sistema che usa la chimica come secondo messaggero, senza neppure conoscerne meccanismi, funzionamento e regole. E’ lecito, o forse no qualora vi siano dei sintomi, ma in assenza di un problema alcuno, introdurre sostanze chimiche nel corpo è, se non altro, privo di ogni razionalità. [...]

Propongo alcuni spunti di riflessione:

Chi vuole cercare altri articoli da me scritti, può usare il pulsante "Cerca".

(5 dicembre 2021)

Parma commemora i defunti post-vaccino (video del 27 novembre 2021)

tratto dai primi minuti del TG di Federazione Rinascimento Italia del 30 novembre 2021:

per futura memoria...




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