
ความบ้าคลั่งของชายสองสามคนต้องการทําลายทุกสิ่งที่สวยงามศักดิ์สิทธิ์และมีค่าที่เรามี. เรารักชีวิตเรารักในสิ่งที่เรามีเรารักในสิ่งที่เราทํา. เราเป็นเหมือนดอกไม้เหล่านี้: ตราบใดที่เรายังมีชีวิตอยู่เราก็สวยงาม. อย่างไรก็ตามเมื่อเราไม่อยู่อีกต่อไปชีวิตจะชนะในที่สุด. ชีวิตมีพลังมากกว่าความชั่วร้ายและการทําลายล้าง.

The madness of a few men wants to destroy everything beautiful, sacred, and precious that we have. We respond by loving life, loving what we have, loving what we do. We are like these flowers: as long as we exist, we are beautiful. When we no longer live, however, life will win over all evil and all destruction in the end.

La follia di pochi uomini vuole distruggere tutto quello che di bello, sacro e prezioso abbiamo. Noi rispondiamo amando la vita, amando ciò che abbiamo, amando quel che facciamo. Siamo come questi fiori: finché esisteremo, saremo belli. Quando poi non ci saremo più, comunque, alla fine, la vita vincerà su ogni cattiveria e ogni distruzione.

Fiori (Francesco Galgani's art, March 13, 2022).jpg
(March 13, 2022, go to my art gallery)

у нас есть то, что нельзя уничтожить

Моё впечатление такого, что разрушительные силы сейчас захватили власть повсюду.
Кажется, ничто не мешает и не останавливает их.
Мы единственные, кто остался, чтобы сохранить возможность достойного будущего, потому что у нас есть то, что нельзя уничтожить.

Impresia mea este că forțele distructive au pus stăpânire peste tot.
Nimic nu pare să le împiedice sau să le oprească.
Noi suntem singurii care au mai rămas pentru a menține în viață posibilitatea unui viitor demn, pentru că avem ceea ce nu poate fi distrus.

My impression is that destructive forces have now taken over everywhere.
Nothing seems to be hindering or stopping them.
Only we are left to keep alive the possibility of a worthy future since we have what cannot be destroyed.

La mia impressione è che le forze distruttive abbiano ormai ovunque preso il potere.
Sembra che niente le stia ostacolando o fermando.
Siamo rimasti solo noi a lasciare viva la possibilità di un degno futuro, giacché abbiamo ciò che non può essere distrutto.

(March 11, 2022, go to my art gallery)


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