In riferimento al corso introduttivo sulla programmazione multipiattaforma con Codename One da me precedente pubblicato, per promemoria personale e per utilità altrui stilo qui una lista dei Component disponibili per creare le interfacce grafiche.
Il motivo per cui ritengo utile scrivere questa lista è che, nella Developer Guide di Codename One, sez. "The Components of Codename One", non tutti i Component vengono trattati. Aggiornerò questa lista se mi accorgerò di essermi dimenticato qualcosa o se nuovi Component saranno aggiunti alle API.
Generics Component, see also ComponentSelector and Lead Component Container, see also Layouts and Safe Areas InterFormContainer Form, see also "Toolbar", "Right Side Menu" and "Search Mode" PeerComponent InstantUI UIFragment CodeRAD Containers Accordion ComponentGroup InfiniteContainer SwipeableContainer SplitPane Tabs Table Labels and Images Label SpanLabel RichTextView (revisited) ImageMapContainer ImageViewer ScaleImageLabel FloatingHint Buttons Button SpanButton MultiButton SpanMultiButton ScaleImageButton FloatingActionButton (see also FAB as a badge) ShareButton Toggles CheckBox RadioButton + ButtonGroup OnOffSwitch Switch (OnOffSwitch replacement) Toggle Lists ButtonList SwitchList CheckBoxList RadioButtonList Selection ComboBox Picker Text Fields TextField TextArea ClearableTextField AutocompleteTextField, and "AutocompleteTextField with images" see also: Validator, UIBinding, Lightweight Text Selection InputComponent & TextModeLayout TextComponent TextComponentPassword AutoCompleteTextComponent PickerComponent Media MediaPlayer, see also code examples AudioRecorderComponent Maps MapComponent MapContainer (Native Maps), see also "Map Component Positioning Revisited" Dialogs/Prompts InteractionDialog, see also "Picking a Dialog Type" Dialog, see also "Popup Dialog" Sheet, see also "New Sheet Positioning" ToastBar Progress + ConnectionRequest, see also "Alternative way to show upload percentage" Progress InfiniteProgress Slider SliderBridge + Slider + ConnectionRequest CircleProgress LoadingTextAnimation Advanced BrowserComponent SignatureComponent Calendar, see also Calendar CN1Lib Tree FileTree RSSReader Charts ChartComponent BarChart BubbleChart CombinedXYChart CubicLineChart DialChart DoughnutChart LineChart PieChart RadarChart RangeBarChart RoundChart ScatterChart TimeChart
Francesco Galgani,
ultimo aggiornamento 18 maggio 2020