The oneness is the only reality

We would like to remind you of the illusion of separation, the oneness is the only reality in here and now, you and I are just one. We are always organizing our own suffering and enlightenment, up to the moment where we enter more and more equanimity the bliss-full state of the field of love, so enjoy every instant of this amazing existence.

Vorremmo ricordarti l'illusione della separazione: l'unicità è l'unica realtà nel qui e ora, tu e io siamo una cosa sola. Stiamo sempre organizzando la nostra sofferenza e la nostra illuminazione, fino al momento in cui entriamo sempre più nell'equanimità, lo stato di beatitudine piena del campo dell'amore, quindi goditi ogni istante di questa fantastica esistenza.

The oneness is the only reality (Francesco Galgani's art, December 24, 2022)
(December 24, 2022, go to my art gallery)

Рождественские сердечки для всех

Я желаю всем нам любви в наших сердцах.
Я желаю всем россиянам счастливого Рождества.
Я желаю всем украинцам счастливого Рождества.

Бажаю всім нам любові в серці.
Бажаю всім росіянам щасливого Різдва.
Бажаю всім українцям щасливого Різдва Христового.

Christmas of Peace (Francesco Galgani's art, December 22, 2022)
(December 22, 2022, go to my art gallery)


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