Война - Війна - La guerre - War - Der Krieg - La guerra

Так много людей работает.
Так много людей работают, но они очень бедны.
Очень немногие люди очень богаты.
Очень немногие очень богатые люди эксплуатируют всех остальных людей.
Это причина всех войн.
Все жертвы всех войн - мои братья и сестры.

Багато людей працює.
Багато людей працюють, але вони дуже бідні.
Дуже мало людей є дуже багатими.
Дуже мало багатих людей експлуатують всіх інших людей.
Це причина всіх воєн.
Усі жертви всіх воєн – мої брати і сестри.

Tant de gens travaillent.
Tant de gens travaillent, mais ils sont très pauvres.
Très peu de gens sont très riches.
Quelques personnes très riches exploitent toutes les autres personnes.
C'est la cause de toutes les guerres.
Toutes les victimes de toutes les guerres sont mes frères et sœurs.

So many people work.
So many people work, but they are very poor.
Very few people are very rich.
Very few rich people exploit all the other people.
This is the cause of all the wars.
All the victims of all wars are my brothers and sisters.

So viele Menschen arbeiten.
So viele Menschen arbeiten, aber sie sind sehr arm.
Nur sehr wenige Menschen sind sehr reich.
Sehr wenige sehr reiche Menschen beuten alle anderen Menschen aus.
Dies ist der Grund für alle Kriege.
Alle Opfer aller Kriege sind meine Brüder und Schwestern.

Tantissime persone lavorano.
Tantissime persone lavorano, ma sono poverissime.
Pochissime persone sono ricchissime.
Pochissime persone ricchissime sfruttano tutte le altre persone.
Questa è la causa di tutte le guerre.
Tutte le vittime di tutte le guerre sono miei fratelli e mie sorelle.

Tutti noi (Francesco Galgani's art, March 1, 2022)
(Tutti noi - March 1, 2022, go to my art gallery)

In today's time of war, a prayer from millennia ago

In today's time of war, a prayer from millennia ago (Francesco Galgani's art, February 27, 2022)MP3 Audio

Saṃgacchadvaṃ saṃvadadhvam / saṃ vo manāṃsi jānatām /
Devā bhāgaṃ yathā pūrve / saṃjānānā upāsate /
Samāno mantraḥ samitiḥ samāni / samānaṃ manaḥ saha cittam eṣām /
Samānaṃ mantramabhi mantraye vaḥ / samānena vo haviṣā juhomi /
Samānī va ākūtiḥ samānā hṛdayāni vaḥ /
Samānam astu vo manaḥ yathā vaḥ susahāsati /

Meet together, talk together, let your minds apprehend alike; in like manner as the ancient gods concurring accepted their portion of the sacrifice.
Common be the prayer of these (assembled worshippers), common be the acquisition, common the purpose, associated be the desire. I repeat for you a common prayer, I offer for you with a common oblation.
Common, (worshippers), be your intention; common be (the wishes of) your hearts; common be your thoughts, so that there may be thorough union among you.

Venite insieme, parlate insieme! In accordo siano le vostre menti, come in passato gli dei sedettero insieme per la rispettiva parte!
Comune sia la parola sacra, comune l’assemblea!
Comune sia la mente con il loro pensiero!
Io santifico questa vostra parola comune, io sacrifico con la comune oblazione!
Comune sia il vostro proposito, comuni i vostri cuori!
Comune sia la vostra mente affinché siate felicemente concordi.

(Ṛgveda, 10.191.2-3-4, source of the English translation)


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