«The lack of a spiritual path and shared values is at the basis of this crisis of humanity.
Communicating online in the current situation is just harmful if no one listens to the other anymore.
And listening to the other requires affection. And affection does not come from better technology.» (Giulio Ripa, go to him archive)
«Don't get used to unnecessary things: those who are happy need little.» (Anna Verena De Nève)
«Fortunately, what I don't know, I don't know. What I do know, however, does not match reality.» (Francesco Galgani)
Pensa ad un mondo rinnovato in cui sia possibile dire soltanto la verità oppure tacere. Forse se ne starebbero tutti zitti, senza dar troppo credito allo scintillio delle credenze nel buio della non-conoscenza?